Wednesday, December 9
"At the stroke of midnight..."
अब हमारा आपस में भी वार्तालाप करने का जरिया एक भारतीय भाषा नहीं, कोई और भाषा बनता जा रहा है| अख़बार हमें अंग्रेजी चाहिए, क्युकी हिंदी अख़बार में तो 'मसाला समाचार' होता है, और जो नहीं भी होता, उसे भी मसालेदार तरीके से ही प्रस्तुत किया जाता है| समाचार चैनल को ही देख लीजिये| विश्वास नहीं होता तो घर या ऑफिस जहा भी बैठे है, वहा तो आसपास देखिये ही, बाहर निकल भी देख लीजिये...बाजार में, सिनेमाघरों में, सरकारी दफ्तरों में भी, अजी छोडिये भी साहब, क्या क्या गिनेंगे, अपने जेब में ही देख लीजिये, आपको अंग्रेजी ही अंग्रेजी दिखेगी, यदि कुछ देवनागरी लिपि में दिख जाये तो सहेज लीजियेगा, शायद २५-३० साल बाद आपको एक मुहमांगी कीमत मिल जाए| जब सदन में एक-आध व्यक्ति ये तक कहने को मजबूर हो जाए की उन्हें ये प्रतीत होता है, वो भारत के सदन में नहीं, इंग्लैंड के सदन में है, तो बाकी क्या कह सकते है | शायद, उन्हें अंग्रेजी न समझ/बोल पाने का दुःख हो रहा होगा, इसी चीज़ को छुपाना चाह रहे होंगे| अब तो हिंदी सिनेमा के दस में से सात गानों में अमूमन आपको अंग्रेजी मिल जायेगा, यदि आप पूर्ण रूप से हिंदी भाषी है तो फिर तो आप अपने आप को बदलिए, अंग्रेजी सीखिए, वरना ये देश छोड़ दीजिये| खैर mujhe ऐसा नहीं लगता की देश छोड़ने की जरुरत पड़ेगी, अब तो बिहार के छपरा जिला के एक गाँव में रहने वाली मेरी दादी भी 'adjust' करती है, और दादा 'tension' लेना छोड़ दिए है, हिंदी शिक्षा ग्रहण किये हुए मेरे माँ-पिता भी 'excellent', 'super-duper' 'good-morning-to-good night', हो गए है| क्या करे नहीं तो लोग उन्हें पिछड़ा समझ लेंगे| अजी, बाकियों को छोडिये, जो रसोइया मेरे आती है, वो भी "missed call " देने के बाद ही आती है, और 'बहुत late होने से पहले चली जाती है'| वो अलग बात है, 'वार्तालाप' का मतलब उसे नहीं पता, हो भी क्यों भला, अब 'India Shining' कर रहा है, तो क्यों पीछे रह जाए कोई तबका| NDTV के रविश जी के ब्लॉग पे ही देख लीजिये, गाजियाबाद में ली गयी कुच्छ तस्वीरो में उन्हें अच्छे से दरसाया है, कैसे उनके परोस में एक छुट मिल रही है, "250 rupees के खरीद पे, एक हाथ में मेहँदी Free", एक दुसरे तस्वीर में, "Rent ही Rent . Sale. Purchase. Renting."| अब इसमें वो भी क्या करे, जब सारे चीजों पे, सत्तू से लेकर नमक पे अंग्रेजी में लिखी होती है, तो मेहँदी और rent क्यों बच जाए, अब तो मुझे भी ग्लानी हो रही है, मै अभी भी मकान किराया या भाड़ा ही देता हूँ, rent नहीं, चलिए कोशिश करता रहूंग बदलने की| मै अंग्रेजी के खिलाफ नहीं हूँ, मै अंग्रेजी में लिखता बोलता हूँ, लेकिन अपनी भाषा का ज्ञान तो होना चाहिए, अपनी भाषा बिना मिलावट वाली, मै तो कहता हूँ, सबको अपनी मिटटी की भाषा, राजभाषा, अंग्रेजी(महानगरीय-cosmopolitan) भाषा के साथ साथ दो चार और भाषा आनी चाहिए| लेकिन, ये तो हमारे विवेक पे निर्भर है....
अब देखिये ना, प्रबनंधन संस्थानों में एक निति समझाई जाती है, 'Demand-Supply Chain', अब इसे हिंदी में हजारो वर्ष पहले चाणक्य ने क्या कहा था, मत पूछ बैठिएगा, उस पर पश्चिमी देशो ने अभी शोध नहीं किया, और वापस ना ही हमे बताया, वरना मै जरुर बताता| खैर मुद्दे की बात ये है, की यदि मांग है नहीं इस भाषा की तो क्यों कोई हिंदी में लिखेगा, क्यों कुछाध लोग अभी भी एक दुसरे प्रेमचंद के इन्तेजार में बैठे है, अब न बेनीपुरी जी आयेंगे, ना ही प्रेमचंद| अब तो 'तू बन गया hep सोह्निया' का जमाना है, तो सभी hep बनेंगे ही या बनाना चाहेंगे ही| खैर यदि आप अपने बच्चो का भविष्य उज्जवल करना चाहते हो तो समय अच्छा है, अभी भी काफी सारी अच्छी हिंदी पुस्तके आपको बाजार में मिल जाएँगी, और हां अंग्रेजी के किताबो के १/१०वे मूल्य पर, तो जल्दी इन्हें खरीद लीजिये! नहीं, नहीं भाई, गलत मत समझिये, बच्चो को ये किताबे पढ़ाने को नहीं कह रहा हूँ, शायद आपको और मुझको भी अपनी मात्रभाषा (उच्चारण गलत है, मात्रभाषा का, यदि आपने ध्यान दिया हो, लेकिन क्या करो गूगल वाले सही उच्चारण लिखने नहीं दे रहे, ये अलग बात है आप और हमसे ज्यादा, एक डेलावेर की कंपनी हिंदी के लिए इतना कुछ कर रही है), का इतना ज्ञान ना हो की प्रेमचंद, या बेनीपुरी जी के गद्द को समझे, मै तो इसलिए कह रहा था, क्या पता इसी रफ़्तार से हिंदी विलुप्त होती रही तो वो दिन दूर नहीं जब इसके इस भाषा में छपे किताबो को 'rare manuscript' की पदवी मिल जाए, और आपका बेटा, पोता, या परपोता(अब ये इस बात पे निर्भर है की हम कितनी जल्दी अपने इतिहास, संस्कृति, और भाषा से दूर हो पाते है) इसको बेच के रातो रात अमीर हो जाए! आप स्वर्ग या नरक में बैठे बैठे भी, खुश होंगे, जब वो आपको तहे दिल से यहाँ पे आपके गुणगान गा रहे होंगे, कह रहे होंगे, की जीवन में आपने कोई अच्छा काम किया हो या नहीं, ये काम तो बड़ा ही भला किया| आप वहा भी अंग्रेजी के गुण गान इस बात पे गायेंगे, ना ये भाषा होती, ना आपको इतनी दुआए मिलती, अजी, अंग्रेजी में है ही इतना दम| अरे कहने दीजिये जिनको कहना है, इतिहासकारों को या अन्य लोगो को, की, हिंदी में इतनी ताकत है की अपने अन्दर हजारो वर्षो के समाज, इतिहास, साहित्य, संगीत, काम, छल, जीत, गौरव, को समेटे हुए है, अजी ये सब बाते कर्णप्रिय है, बिलकुल उस 'credit card' बेचने वाली उस लड़की के शब्दों की तरह, जहा आपको लगता है, की क्रेडिट कार्ड के बिना तो ये जीवन अधुरा रह जाएगा, बोनस पॉइंट्स नहीं मिल पाएंगे| हिंदी में क्या बोनस है, ख़ाक, अभी भी हिंदी में नहीं लिख रहा हूँ, टाइप तो रोमन में ही कर रहा हु, वो तो गूगल की कृपा है, बताइए भला, ऐसे भाषा पे तो प्रतिबन्ध लगा देना चाहिए, जिस देश के विद्यार्थी ये पूछे, की "Sir, yesterday, while passing by IIT I happened to notice something. They have written something funny, "भारतीय प्रौद्दोगिकी संस्थान", and now what's that supposed to be? Are they closing IIT, and opening some other institute?"| बन्धु, अब ये भी देख लीजिये हमारे लिए भी आसान होता जा रहा है, कौन गच्चं, गच्चं, गच्छामि करते रहता, सो हमने संस्कृत को भुला दिया....सच बताइए, आप पूर्ण रूप से संस्कृत में लिखे अपने ही वेदों, ऋचाओ, को पढ़ लेंगे.....अजी जरुरत भी क्या है, अब तो उपनिषद्, गीता, अमर चित्र कथा, रामायण, सब अंग्रेजी में मिल जायेंगे| कृष्ण कन्हैया को अभी हमने HEP बना दिया, कृष्णा कर दिया, राम को भी रामा! सब hep हो, प्रभु लोग को ही क्यों छोड़ दे.....
चलिए खैर गनीमत है, सरकारी बाबु लोग भले ही अंग्रेजी में सोचे, हिंदी में एक नाम तो लगा ही देते है...माफ़ कीजिये मेरे कहने का तात्पर्य था, लगा देते थे| भाई, जब कोई समझने वाला ही नहीं बचा, तो लगाये भी क्यों भला, पैसे की बर्बादी, और लोगो के लिए मत्थापच्ची अलग से, अब जरा सोचिये, आप एक तिपहिया वाले के पास जा के कहते है, "भैया, अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, चलोगे?" शायद एक दो बार आपको घूरेगा, तब शायद ले जाए(यदि वो उन एक आध लोगो में से हो जो इसका मतलब जानते हो, मै मान के चल रहा हूँ, बिहार या पुरबी ऊ.प्र. के हुए तो, ऐसा भी इसलिए क्युकी कुछ साल पहले तक तो हिंदी का बोलबाला रहा उस तरफ'). अब देखिये ना, ये भी एक तथ्य ही है, की जिन्हें अंग्रेजी नहीं आती, अमूमन वो गरीब तबके के होते है, क्युकी जिनके पास पैसे होते है, वो अंग्रेजी तालीम हासिल कर ही लेते है, मतलब जग-जाहिर है....हिंदी माने गरीबी, गरीबी मने हिंदी गलत होगा....भाई, आजकल, कौन गरीब आपको शुद्ध हिंदी में वार्तालाप करता हुआ मिलेगा, उसको भी 'doubt' 'tension' होता रहता है, वो भी "भारत के जीत" से ज्यादा खुश ये सोच कर ही होता है, की "India ने आखिरी ball पे six मारने की कोशिश की, नहीं गया, लेकिन runs दौड़ के ही ले लिए, 'not out' भी रहे'!!! भाई साब, अब तो हम 'हिंदी दिवस' मानते है.....काफी अटपटा सा लगता है मुझे, राष्ट्रीय भाषा का एक दिन मान हो जाए, इसलिए हिंदी दिवस बना दिया.....उस दिन भी अखबारों में देख लीजियेगा, कुछ ऐसे छपा होगा, "Today is Hindi Divas. Happy hindi divas"...खैर मैंने लोगो को भाषण देते सुना है हिंदी दिवस पे, हिंदी की महत्ता बताते हुए, गौरवशाली इतिहास के जिक्र के साथ.....अच्छा लगा....की पूरा भाषण कम से कम अंग्रेजी में तो था, वरना ख़ाक समझ में आता!
अब चीन क्यों ना हमें तंग करे, कमजोर को तो हम भी तंग करते है| शुद्ध हिंदी में वार्तालाप करके देखिये, आपको समझ में आ जायगा, नहीं तो बगल वाले तो आपको मेरे इस कथन का अर्थ अपने शब्दों, इशारो, व्यंगों, में समझा ही देंगे! आपको भी लगने लगेगा, अब आप INDIA में रहते है, 'भारत' जैसे किसी जगह पे नहीं| चीन भी जानता है, अमेरिका एक-जुट है, भाषा हो, या कर्म, धर्म पे तो वे लड़ते नहीं, ओबामा के बाद, रंग का भी लफड़ा नहीं बचा, पाकिस्तान तो खुद में ही परेशान है, तो अपनी ताकत का रौब किसपे झाडे...अरे भाई, तो उन्होंने सोचा क्यों ना भारत को केहुनी करे, एक साथ दो-देश तंग हो जायेंगे, एक तो अपना India, एक गरीब, लाचार, किताबो तक सिमित 'भारत' का....दो देश तो है ही, आप मुझे कोई और देश बताइए जहा पे ९८% लोग अंग्रेजी का उपयोग किसी ना किसी मात्र में, तरह से करते हो, और हिंदी का उपयोग शायद ४०-५०% लोग, वो भी त्रुटिपूर्ण, अंगेजी शब्द के मिश्रण के साथ, जबकि हमारा राष्ट्रीय भाषा कुछ और हो, और इस देश की ९५% जनता शुद्ध हिंदी में वार्तालाप ना करती हो..| वैसे आप मेरी इस बात से सामंजस्य रखेंगे की हम कितने भी अंग्रेज क्यों ना हो जाए, गाली देने का मजा....अपने माटी वाले भाषा में ही है, बकचोदी तो हिंदी में ही हो सकती है, है न??
अरे साहब कुछ लोग तो ये भी कहते है की हमारा देश विकाश कर रहा है, महंगाई, गरीब और अमीर के बीच का अंतर या ...खैर, जो भी हो, लोग कहते है ये सब अंग्रेजी की वजह से हो रहा है.....मालिक मै समझ नहीं पता, यदि मापदंड ये है तो चीन, जापान, कोरिया, या फिर जर्मनी या अमेरिका ये सब अपनी देश के राष्ट्रीय भाषा के साथ कैसे प्रगति कर रहे है....शायद कोई विशेष भेद हो!
यदि ऐसी बात है, तो फिर हम नेताओ को, मुनाफाखोरों को, दलालों को क्यों गाली देते है...भाई जब हमने अपने इतिहास या अपने भाषा से रूबरू ही नहीं करवाया गया तो क्यों हम देशभक्त होंगे, क्यों हो हम भला .....हम तो अमेरिका के ही देशभक्त रहेंगे....!!!! चीन में पता नहीं लोग, कैसे अंग्रेजी बोले बिना जिन्दा है, और तो और महाशक्ति के रूप में उभर आसान है, जापान में भी अंग्रेजी नहीं बोली जाती, वो फिर भी प्रगति कर चुके, अरे अंग्रेजी बोले बिना, मरे कैसे नहीं.....उफ ये तो कोई साजिश प्रतीत होता है| संसद में एक बार लत्तम जुत्तम इस बात पे होना ही चाहिए....भले वो अंग्रेजी में ही क्यों ना हो....
खैर, अब goodnight लोग बोल के गए है, तो सो जाता हूँ, लेकिन आपलोग मेरे इन शब्दों का printout करवाके रख लीजियेगा, शायद, जब 'rare manuscripts' मिले तो उन्हें कुछ समझ में आ जाए, अंग्रेजी साहब बहुत ही पिरोया हुआ है, ishhtyle से, inglissh में! कोशिश की है मै बोलचाल वाली "हिंदी" में ही publish करू, फिर भी कुछ doubt हो तो comment करके clear कर लीजियेगा| और हां, हिंदी में उच्चारण जगह जगह पे त्रुटिपूर्ण हो सकते है, गूगल वाले उसको सही करने का option ही नहीं दे रहे!
Sunday, September 13
I am out of station, with no access to internet, so posting is an issue. Just got access to net, so am publishing it.....!! DIVSI, MAHESH, and Me and my Anotherself had an interesting idea. Divsi, wrote the first part of the story, and without any further input, Mahesh carried the story according to him, and then I gave it an ending, what I thought would be the best!
I won't be able to reply to any comments for next 6-7 days. Bear with me!
here, is RHYTHM-3
First part of the story SCRAPS OF BREAD
Second part of the story ANUBHAV
It is very much an Indian saying that, a girl's reputation is like an earthen pot, which can be broken very easily. And once its broken, its next to impossible to fix it without leaving scars. Rhythm understood the gravity of the saying very well, now! She had risked everything for a guy, and that guy was no more with her. She had left her entire world behind to be with this guy, and this guy was slamming her back instead. RHYTHM was shattered to the core. She had never thought about any such option, when getting out of home. For her, she had always thought, he would be there. Like an eternal truth. Like Sun Comes out everyday. Except this day!
Very rarely, we come across times, when we do not have options. Now she didn't have one. She literally banged the door on his face, a trickle of blood flushed his nose. Though, not enough blood, to entice care from her, anymore! It didn't matter anymore. Before he regained his composure, she was gone.
She had a little bit saving of hers from tuitions she used to take for kids in her area. Rhythm, lost no time in turning back from Sameer, and finding a Paying Guest accomodation with the money! Then, she went to a tuition agent, who charged her another 500 bucks as registration money. Having given her cell no, she went away. Bought some groceries, and settled down for PG food. Just then, as she was about to take the first bite, the thought of how would her father would manage his food without her, crossed her mind. Would he eat outside, or cook Pasta, as it was only thing he knew how to cook? Or, would he eat at all? With these thoughts hovering around in her mind, she took her food, went out and fed it to a stray dog. How could she possibly deprive her father of food, and most importantly, peace, and eat her food!
Street Dogs are always hungry enough to get their mouth on any desirable item! Old Landlady's husband was of same breed! She realized it sooner than later, on the very first day, when he tried to grope her in stairs. Rhythm was loosing her rhythm, on the very first day!
She decided to wash off this day from her mind, and when cold water trickled on her face from the shower, nothing went away from her mind. Instead, it all came back with full force. Sameer came back and so did a fresh lot of reasons from a stable mind. Sameer always used to tell her that family is the first and foremost thing. Those who didn't have it, knew the importance. He had lost his family, too early in his life, not to recognise the value of it. She had known, long before. She had known, when he had left his best friend, who fought with his family, because they called Sameer rogue, and his friend fought for him. He didn't want him to. He cherished Families. Might be if he had a family, he would have been an ideal son, an ideal brother, an ideal nephew, an ideal son-in-law for Rhythm's father. She had known, every minute. Only that, in fit of rage, she had not realized.
All of a sudden she felt a pang of guilt. How could she think, he was shrinking off his responsibility, dumping away her, his love. He never was, like that! How would he become such a jerk, all of a sudden, and that too in her case. Ohh! How often do we misinterpret people! She longed to go back to him, and talk, only if the door was not locked. Only if, she wasn't required to go back to the lecherous leech! Only if, she knew his cell no! They never needed a cell phone as a communication mode in college.Only if, she had not changed hers, within an hour of coming back from Sameer's place. She had wanted to be miles away from him, then, even his calls, which she wouldn't have picked up.
Pensively, she inserted the old no back in her new life, and called Sameer.
"Is it you, Rhythm? Where are you? Sameer is getting mad! By the way, what a shot. I always wanted to break his nose. Only that, you could accomplish!", jokingly said Rajeev. That is what Rajeev, their common friend was infamous for. Putting across wrong things, at wrong places. Jokes, in midst of tears. And Emotional stories, in peals of laughter.
Snatching phone from Rajeev, "hey, hey Rhythm? Where are you? How are you? Why is your cell no not reachable? I tried calling on your father's no as well? So, you were not merely joking? You were serious? Where are you right now?"
"Chill, Honey! I am fine. Not much far away from you."
" Ok, where exactly? I am coming. Did you eat? I am sorry! Are you fine? Hope not angry on me?"
"I guess, my anger came out in form of blood from your nose, my dear Anotherself! I am in a PG."
continued their conversation, where more than concerns were exchanged! Where more than apprehensions of her father's redeeming step were discussed! Where more than future steps were discussed!
Sameer wanted to chuck his thinking, and bring Rhythm to his home. While Rhythm, meanwhile, didn't want to hurt her father as well. So she had decided, that she would wait, till Sameer got a respectable position which would be acceptable to her father. Even after Sameer's continous arguments, she refused to take money from him, and kept on taking tuitions. Education has become a good economic scope, she realized the validity of her father's statement. It offered her good money, and good faith in life. In watching the notorious children who misbehaved with their parents. She realized how painful it must be for her father. How heart wrenching it might be!!!
She just hoped, prayed, wished that Sameer achieves a good position asap. Sameer was toiling hard to fulfill his Rhythm's dream, and her father's demand, before they could go and be accepted as the part of a family, where there was a guradian, where there children would have a grandpa, where there would be love and care, where there would be the middle class Indian life they loved! Meanwhile, Rhythm everyday wrote a letter to her father, not to be posted. But in repentance! To vent out her own anger toward herself, for letting her father down, for letting his unflinching faith down, for letting his undying belief in her down. When you are your worst critic, things start looking up at you, up to you. That thing itself, got her selected into Aura, the Design Company, as the Chief Designer-cum-Photographer.
It happens quite rarely, one happiness precedes another. They were least expecting Sameer to get into the shoes of Chief Architect, Incredible India, for Ministry of Tourism. There were all over 300 applications. From artist of National and International repute. From artist of decades of credibility! But it had to be him.
"Lets celebrate, Rhythm"
"Yeah, we would. But only with father. After getting back to him. He would be angry, at first. He has every right to. I guess, he would not relent"
"Be positive, my dearest! When he knows, that his daughter didn't abandon his choice of not marrying me, and stood on her own, and achieved this. He would for sure, welcome you back with much stronger arms"
"Hmm...My father is a man of words, and discipline. You don't know him."
"I know. He is a man of principle as well. When you didn't go against it...when he knows that, things would be fine, love. But what you don't know is, what I am going to do to you."
Next she knew was, his lips on hers, his hand holding hers, and whole empty restaurant's view behind them. Only he left her, when he heard steps of the waiter coming toward them.
He made a smiling smiley with red tomato ketchup on the white plate. Rhythm, thought, sandwich would taste better, a million times over.
They packed the bag, boarded the bus to Delhi, from Jaipur. Aaah, Delhi is a shayari, written in architecture, roads, parks. Her father used to say, she remembered. She longed to be in her father's arms. Like a small kid. How lovingly he picked her up in arms, and took her through bylanes of Chandni Chowk to get Jalebi from Ghantewala. She decided, they would get down from bus at Red Fort itself, so that she could buy Jalebi for her father, and go home, then! Bus had entered Gurgaon. She was only too excited to reach home. Excited, and Nervous! How perplexed is human emotion! Two Strong emotions, both going equally intense, at the same time!
Bus had entered Red Fort Road, near Jain Mandir, and was halting at the traffic light! She saw outside and remembered her entire childhood. Raamleela, Dussehra, Id.....suddenly it sounded like bombarding took over, centuries old 5 storey building came tumbling over on the bus. Driver panicked, and moved the bus, when it hit the road divider and came tumbling over upside down. Parts of old Building kept falling on their new found excitement, nervousness, anticipation of new life, a freshened bond in heart of daughter about his father, and her would-be-beau, and Sameer's happiness about getting a family seemed to go before it could come, his plans of giving umpteen happiness to Rhythm's father, going on walks with him, talking of politics with him, discussing newspaper over tea with him. Everything seemed a dream, as it was before.
Sameer's dead body was lying on Rhythm's, whose hands were still clinching the bag. Few letters had spilled over on the road, from the bag. Large words seemed to shout from the letter, "Sorry Pa". It was only after when Aazaan sounded, when she breathed her last.
Atleast in her death, she agreed with her father, who was thinking about her in the park, still unknown to the tragic accident, watching a small girl getting hurt, some quarter a kilometer away, remembering her! Longing to see her, hold her, forgive her for everything, and get her back, with Sameer!


Monday, August 31
A neurotic
When the sun rises
I start feeling sick
This 'd be the time
when I'd be lonely
admist the big crowd.
But accompanies me hope.
The hope of a special one.
Who shall bare away all
my undisturbed loneliness
There has been times
when my eyes had sparkled
with the sight of smiling faces
which promised me vibrant life
but soon they withdrew back.
Leaving in a situation worse.
I'm like the spiky thorny cactus
which is valued in deserts, alone
to quench the thirst of passer-by
The passer-by
who are not there to stay.
The valueless rogue
Unwanted in garden
of vibrant colored flower
where even my touch pinches
and oozes the blood out of
my sole lover; The Gardener.
The pious liquid i store
is of no use to those
living on river banks,
the place where my heart wanna be.
Satisfied, I'm watching
the wet lips and joys of passers-by.
The thorny untuchable ME!
Whenever I desired success
It ran far away, and
it was never too near.
As if it were the wind
which 'd ignite the spark; ME.
And others 'd be charred.
My failures,
The big ice blocks
uncountable in number
distinct and vivid
has doused me long before.
Now I need the wind
to live, to breathe.
My diluted strength
refuses now to SPARK.
The lifeless ME!
The only thing I Know
Is I have to live.
I have to fight back, anyhow
I've to get rid of somehow,
my unwished company
Failures, Loneliness, Sickness
Impoverishment, Hatred.
The life has to go, atleast move
and has to be for long
And it got to be strong.
Vibrant colors, Sparkle, Joys
will have to come to me.
Waiting for someone to
hold my hands and hug me
Someone.....who's there forever.
The waiting ME..........


Saline and all that....
I find, my poems and other write-ups, funny now! And stupid as well. They are. But still, Am putting up here.
Mischievous Life
Nothing in life, I could feel,
And the air was extremely still.
I had chosen for myself, one way road
With, hallucinating, all of "ME" load.
No joy, No smile, No sorrow, No tear
Unperturbed, Nothing could bring me fear
Time drew back, but ambience still stale
My taciturn mouth & face remained pale.
A turn came, where aromatic fresh air disturbed
Beautiful birds came in and chirped
Many souls with myriad variety i met
One enigmatic soul got me attracted.
In perverse moments, two of our souls gelled
And now, out of nowhere unlimited happiness hailed
Weather got rosier and much better
As the thorns shrunk and trees got taller
That was the cosiest of times worth everything
Together were the two souls, on each road, every x-ing
The b'ful sweet water lake started expanding more
Brought sparkles, smiles & laughters galore.
Spring had stepped in, to change me
Vibrating colourful life, everywhere I could see
Lovely red daffodil leaves, golden waterfall
Always to my ear came, my favorite soul's call
But not long, when dusk suddenly dawned
Mockingly, all good things yawned
Heartless souls created around us cacophony
And Darkest of clouds assured viacrious harmony
Clouds hovered high, Heavy rains lashes around us all places
Birds, like our happiness, vanished leaving no traces
But our sould had wished happiness but not ephermal
Smile, the sould put up as a facde, only unreal.
Absent were beeches, encircled us mud
Apocalyptic silence, nothing could be heard
when heartless souls again gave us a jerk
Terrible enuff to make our life berserk.
Strangers to tear, the seperated sould cried.
Realizing, promises by life were lied.
Left with only hopes, future, poor sould didn't, then, see
heartbroken, as i reminisces, SALINE TRAIL ME
However hard i try SALINE TRAIL ME.
P.S: Instead of "SALINE TRAIL ME", there was "TEARS FAIL ME"..but Another dear friend has his poem by the same tweaked it a bit!
Still going strong..


Sunday, August 30
Wednesday, August 19
A long delay!
Aboard Sachkand Express. Nanded-Amritsar.
| I derive source for my writing from my
laziness, and
observation! But, People…I am not getting time to be lazy! (lol) So many things, So little time! And a pressure to prioritize, putting other things before blogging and many personal agendas.
Meanwhile, Journey allowed me to finish three novels.
The Kite Runner, Thousand Splendid Suns. Both by Khalid Hosseini and The Six Suspects by Vikash Swaroop(Q&A/Slumdog Millionaire fame). Latter one is a thriller based on real events, and movie rights for this has been already bought. Previous two, though, tells the tale of Afghanistan, but it has been done with such a beauty, that you get touched with all the facts, and you never think in the process! Both are masterpiece, by a master story teller! I can read them, a thousand times over!
Would return soon on the circuit! With a bang! till then, take care!


Wednesday, July 29
तब तक, दुनिया बुरी है, मै भला हूँ|


Sunday, July 5
A Random Post...( A dozen thing to do in my tweenhood)


Wednesday, July 1
बेवफाई तेरी मार गयी.....
"बाँध के रखो इन ख्यालो को....कम्बखत आसमां तक उडान भरते है "


Wednesday, June 24
Views & Reviews: A PoV
Well, I have decided to dedicate ‘A little of Everything’ only for stories, poems, fictional material, and other things. While all the hardcore (don’t get me wrong) articles would be reserved for Views & Reviews: A PoV.
Depends on the popularity. If I don’t get much visitors there, would come back and post here itself…
Do book mark it…and let me know….if you like it….
Friday, June 19
--Sorry for the interruption! Milte hai ek break ke baad...
Airtel uses the tag line, 'Everywhere'...but it is not there in the area I have shifted. Seems, they have no plan as well, to extend their services to the area I live in. Courtesy them, I have been away from Internet, and from you people for a fortnight now. Away from Internet, didn't seem to me, to be away from the whole society, as normall few people around me, tends to feel in similar circumstances. Because, I tend to rely on other modes of communication when one fails me.Well, everyone does...hehe!!
My new abode has certain pros and cons, compared to old one:
Pros first,
Better ventilation and natural lighting
Almost no electricity cut
Good connectivity with Entire NCR region,
and Great Public Transport availability(Metro Station at around 2kms, Noida & Ghaziabad, both-5/6 kms, Nizamuddin-2km)
Since on 2nd floor, 3rd one bears the direct Delhi heat and cold
No Landlord interference (One of the most imp. thing)
Entire Market, within 0.5 kms, and open till late night
Proximity to Nizammudin, New Delhi and Old Delhi Rly Station
Access to Terrace all the time
Not much Privacy,
Neighbours seem more interested in my Visitors
Not as much good locality
No Parking facility; there is one Rana Ji of Rana properties whose shop is on ground floor, he keeps on intimidating, and he keeps photos of his with PM, CM, and who's who in his office to aid him in doing so. I wonder if he is Boman Irani of Lagey Raho Munnabhai.
No Single cupboard in entire home, not even a single wardrobe
Neigbours keep on fighting amongst each other, and throwing squeezed up mango skin and seeds on stairs.
I almost managed helping myself from falling
smaller area compared to last flat
Last heard: One of my acquaintance taking a shop on rent in Greater Kailash Market for Rs. 25lakh/per month. And he protested when I said, its super costly. He says its reasonable. Mc' Donald in GK pays Rs. 40lakh/per month. Moreover, he told me about a Surd Landlord who wants Rs. 60lakh/per month.
My both eye balls seemed to spring out of socket, and revolve around a bit. When I thought 60Lakh x 12 months= Rs. 7.2 Cr.With one year rent, I could live my entire life happily, by investing them wisely.
No wonder that in Delhi NCR, I see property dealers office proclaiming "Flat hi flat", more often than I see, any Pan shop, or any Grocery. Last counted on the by lanes near my home, one single road 200-250mts in length has 16 property dealer shop.
The flat I took, was given to me by a property dealer himself. He charged me one month rent as commission. And He is the landlord himself! :-
It seems, their fathers bought a flat, a land and they were spoiled by the sudden richness which came their way, after Delhi's Development. So now, they buy a TV, install it in their office, hang a map of Delhi, and whole day wait for people of who they would suck out money. Then, rent out their own flat, then get it vacated, and get it rented again. Huh! Further, get assured that you running out of luck, when the flat you finally liked after watching the dozen others(in my case, around 60-70 OMG can't believe myself), is being said to have another two dealers in between, and the base dealer got to it via-via another one. They might charge you twice as much commission.
I finally took this flat, because my pockets were getting heavier by day with visiting cards of dealer, with no proper result. .....
lots of more to write, but will save for some other time.......
P.S.: Sorry Guys, I am not being able to read your blogs.....allow me some days....


Monday, June 8
I am away from Computer....
Gimme time...I'll be back...soon!


Monday, June 1
The Guava Flavour
"Rajit, Do me a favor!"
"Yeah, Maddy!"
"Please go and pluck few leaves off Gauava tree, from the tree branch dangling near your portico."
"Why the heck, at this hour? What happened?"
"Sweetheart, need a slap, or you would do it?"
Ranjit, didn't give it a second thought, since more provoking thought was the one, which made him touch his cheek. He instantly hurried and got 5 leaves.
"Yeah, Maddy Sweetie, what do I do with it?"
"Well, go to kitchen, put the sauce pan with a mug of water, wash the leaves and put it to boil, and then call me back."
He obliged, without questioning. He loved her absolutely. And she reciprocated in a more fierce manner. Slap was an integral part of their love. She never gave it up, Because he didn't want her to. It reminded them, of their love. Slap for Love. Love for Slap. Only if the whole world, could play the slap-love game, and be at peace.
"Yeah, Madame, Now?"
"Put two teaspoon of sugar in it, and let it simmer for next one minute."
"And then, add quarter to one teaspoon tea???"
"Yup! But how did you guess it?"
"Years of hardcore courting you, and over the time, learning new recipes you keep on inventing for me"
Yes. She gave him a new recipe, unheard of usually before. Once she suggested him to get a PAPAYA flavoured ice-cream for her, and when he failed, he was dilligently taught how to make it, and then get it for her. At another time, he was taught how to make 'Egg_juicy', which tasted, absolutely, superb. WHile the idea, of throwing open raw eggs in fried onions, slightly put him off. But he trusted her in these manners. And she trusted him in the rest.
"Oh! No pour it out, and squeeze half a melon, buddhu!"
"Would you like to taste it? Should I preserve it till tommorrow"
"No. You taste it, and if its good. Make it for me, when I come. The GUAVA FLAVOR TEA"
HAHAHA. SO I made this funny part up....its not the part of the main story...or any relevance. Just that, I tried this thing a week before. It was midnight, I was standing near the main gate, covered under the shade of a Guava tree. Fragrance moved me, and Tea, I can't resist. There was no milk at home. So I tried this innovative thing. Since Last one week, me and my friends have had drunk it more than a couple of dozen times. Few like it with ice-cubes.
So, you got the recipe?
I love cooking. For more exciting recipies mail me at:


Sunday, May 31
Sorry for the delay, in 'The Black Rose-Final'
I have to shift to a new nest, and its giving me nightmares, people. For last three years, was living at the same flat, but since the landlord could only increase the rent at 12% annually, he thought better to get us off the block. Afterall, the rent has surged to 200%. I really, don't understand how on this earth, people do pay astronomical rent!
And now, I do not want to stay in Ghaziabad, as the basic amenities are hard to come by, with 8-12hours of power cut, and many vital things missing, like proper public transport. So, I have been searching for nest in Delhi, in Jamna Paar, but even there the rent is 300-400% higher than the one I am paying.
In last four years in NCR, I have had changed 8 flats, of which last three years were spent in just one. I don't know, what future holds. I love this city, but its high rentals doesn't want to love me, or get loved by me.
.....Will update the post soon....


Thursday, May 28
The Black Rose-II
All around, it was filled with colourfully dull lights. Just where Ranjit lay, squirming in bed out of pain, the wall infront of it had one more red night-bulb. HE was trying to open his eyes, but he could manage opening it only partially. Just then, an extremely huge lady entered the place, and it made him sure, he was in HELL! After all, Heaven is meant for beautiful angels. Hell!, Was his life, really so much full of sins! With these thoughts in mind, he tried inquisition with the lady. But such was his conditions, that he miserably failed. He tried lifting himself toward the head of the bed.
"Wasn't your that action, enough? That now, you trying further to hurt you"
Reprimanding Ranjit, the huge nurse, moved across the room, got a syringe in her hand, came near him, took his hand and was trying to locate the veins. Ranjit was a healthy person, yet now, locating his veins was such a big headache for her. Remotely sensing the green hue, on his hand, she punctured his skin with syringe. Not allowing him the time to protest even. And he lay silent again.
In morning, when the neighbor's children were playing cricket, ball had went on Ranjit's terrace, the terrace where he lay almost presumably dead. Children out of shock, by such a horrid scene of their humorous Ranjit uncle, screamed so loudly that their parents arrived in almost no time, literally. Cops were informed, and so was "Maa", from his cell phone's address book, and he was taken to a nearby Government hospital. Yeah, Ranjit deserved this, thought his neighbor Mr.Sharma, for ruining their Sunday. There was huge loss of blood, but, as fate would have it, people of his O+ blood group and his acquaintances, proved to be too many, to even allow him to do one thing out of his wish, without any boundary.
Such was life, when he wanted to live, he was denied. It looked like, the very same people denied him the LIFE in his lifetime. When as a ten-year old kid, it fancied him to become a lemon-soda seller on the road. Lemon's colour, and fizz of the soda not only enticed him, but also gave him immense optimism. Once when he was thrashed by his parents for having fought with a kid, the tears that had ensued, faded away after seeing the lemon-soda seller. Aah, the lemon, the soda, and the fizz!!!
But as he grew older, things started turning extremely difficult for him. Ranjit and his father, were extremely happy about his admission in one of the best colleges of India. His father gifted his favourite motorbike, and he thought of gifting his father a tie. He bought the tie for his father, and had reached the entrance of his street, when someone told him about an accident, minutes ago. It was his father's dead body on which the necktie was kept, on his pyre. It was his last gift to his father.
All of 19, he was devastated, broken, and apocalypse seemed to surround him. But there was more in store. It was not even a year, when his mother decided to marry his father's colleague, a divorcee. Ranjit had always thought him to be a boorish rake, a third-grade person, a lecher. Rather, he had known. Once when he came to home mid-way through his class timing, because of high fever, he entered through the back-entrance. Today he didn't want to walk on the reflecting marble, which meant a good 25 feet walk to front entrance, when on other days, he loved to walk and see toward the ground, to see his reflection. Back-entrance used to be open for maid servants to come, in evening, and morning. Only in night it used to be closed. When he entered home, he entered a disgusting surprise. Mr. Khanna, the boor, was in his mothers room. His mother was lying stark naked on the bed, and Mr. Khanna was humping her. But he never told anyone about it, not his parents, nor himself. It all flooded his mind today, when he came to know about his mother's desire to change her surname to Mrs. Khanna.
He packed all his belongings in a bag, overnight, and when the night enveloped the world, he embraced the open world, on his Hoodibaba bike!!!
With no plausible qualification, no money, no home, no mother, he set out to write his own destiny. He did to an extent. Took a menial job, continued studying through out,took a better job in a call center, and with gift of his oratory skills soon made enough progress, to become team-leader. Throwing open his ears to all the cuss words, made by the white skinned. Soon and slowly, jingoism occupying him, because of his BPO experience. All he seem to be wanting now, by every day, was to become an IAS officer, and serve his mother Earth. He gave the exams twice, and failed to clear both times. Meanwhile, his colleague in office, Mandira seemed to be making an equally strong impression on his heart. The first kiss in the cab, led to promises of life and death together. Passion overtaking each other, every minute. Ranjit approached Mandira's father, and told him in simple words, that he would like to marry his daughter. Her father, was a retired army man, to him the thought of his son-in-law being a petty glorified-executive irked him. Further to Ranjit's ill credit, he had lost his father to life, and his mother to some boor. He set out a condition, which he thought, Ranjit would not be able to clear. Become a grade-I officer in a government job.
Mandira was made to leave the job, Ranjit left his own as well, to concentrate on IAS prep. Two years salary was enough to sustain him for another 1 year, and it the time, he had cleared his PRELIMS, and given his MAINS. A day before MAINS examination, Mandira's best friend Alka, informed Ranjit, that Mandira has gone to her home-town Lucknow, and she is quite sure, Mandira would be getting forcibly married. She claimed she had enough inklings. Needless to say, perturbed Ranjit could not concentrate on his papers well. He was sure of not clearing. On further telephonic inquisition, he could make out they had gone to Lucknow for some wedding. He headed to Lucknow, where he met the Colonel father, who refused to let him meet her, claiming innocence about her whereabouts.While his home spoke in volumes, of a marriage celebration, recently concluded....Why didn't even she inform him, he thought! Was their love, so feeble!
Ranjit couldn't make out, who to live for! In hospital,When he gained consciousness, Mandira was infront of her. Impulsively, She slapped him hard, and then hugged him tight, as if never to let go of him. Then she told him, that she had gone there for her cousin's marriage. And she had seen him from the window, when he came to meet her father. She nagged about his shirt's colour, when he met her father. Maddy, as he often called her, assured him that, she would keep on meeting him, as and when possible, with the support of Alka.
Soon he was shifted to his flat. He started recovering. Mentally, and emotionally as well. He wanted to live, cry in joy, hit himself for his stupidity, rebuke himself for the suicide attempt. For the moments of self doubt, and doubt on her love. For failing to give his MAINS Examinations well. For delaying everything by an year, in the best scenario.
The day MAINS result was to be declared, he went gloom. He didn't even log on to the result website. Mandira had managed to come today. She asked him whether, if he had checked his result. There was a tinge of sadness in her voice. He said, "When I know it, why to check it?"
Aah..there she slapped him again. A tight hard slap.
"Such an asshole, Ranjit. You have cleared it!"
"Haah! Disgusting Joke! Why you reminding me, of it, even? why humiliate me?"
Another slap on his face. And he was starting to believe it.
"I mean, how come. And if its really so, why you sad? You must be kidding"
"I am sad, because for an year now on, you 'd be on training and faraway in Mussorie, Hyderabad. How would I be able to......"
Before she completed her sentence...
"..Slap me!"
There was love in the remark. There was fondness in the words. And there was the tenderness in the slap, that ensued again on his remark......
[You can post your questions, if any, in the comments section! Or, We can have a Q & A, if you all wish, lemme know...Yahoo Pingbox, apke right me hai na!!]
THE BLACK ROSE-III, would be soon written and updated...
Awaiting your critical feedback / comments....


Wednesday, May 27


Wednesday, May 20
The Black Rose - I

Here is the sequel to it, The Black Rose- II


Thursday, May 7
Need of the hour: RANN

This song is from the upcoming movie; RANN(see the pic above, click on it to read the text).
Tuesday, April 14
Indelible Ink…for the future!

My last blog update was quite back, agreed! But the point is, one needs encouragement to write. A person who writes, doesn’t necessarily wants money for it; he needs feedback, good or bad. That keeps him going…. And as well, also updated that people do read what he writes, why else would anyone post blogs…
Moving on, 15th Lok Sabha elections are going to take place. 1st phase polling will be two days later, and I believe, we must all go and participate, in this carnival of democracy, for a better India, a better world, and of course, a better neighbourhood, and a better livelihood. Go ahead, and get put those indelible ink on your nails, and support the one you think, will make the maximum impact. Most of Us, don’t see any point behind it. But I do…! Though, I get a stupid feeling that, we have to choose between the least rotten lot. But, in the present scenario and prevalent condition, we have to make the choice. One doesn’t have any other choice. Indifference won’t help. So, go ahead and make a wise choice!!!
However, in the long run, something drastic, something on a macro scale needs to be done. Because the society we are living in is far from equitable. The pace of growth is haphazard, and is inviting acrimony between different zones. At one hand, we have Delhi, Bangalore, Gurgaon, Noida, Chennai which can compete with the top cities of the world. At the same hand, we have Patna, Guwahati, Bhubaneswar where you get to see, even the bare minimum things lacking. You get to see, serious lack of enthusiasm, and ability to give concrete shape to plans. On one hand, we have cities like Delhi where BMW, Merc too many to get noticed, a large cascade of money floating around, where buying a 3BHK for Rs. 1cr, is not considered too expensive(by average standard). On the contrary, we have cities like Patna, where there is no Drainage, no proper Urban Planning, not much economic activity, no aesthetic(yeah, it has an own life, albeit a vibrant one, even without all this), and most importantly, no political or bureaucratic willingness to move ahead and change things. Lethargy has crept in decades back, and onus lies on GOVT ON INDIA, not making supra-regional economic headquarters, and then regional economic zones. Had we done that, since Independence, made some, say 8 supra eco zones, and then further 18-24 regional eco-zones, there would have been proper growth and development. It would have had curbed, many current headaches of government, migration, livelihood, sustenance of agrarian society. But the govt has maintained an eccentric behaviour.
Even after knowing the perennial problems, we are not doing anything to get hold of it, by its neck. It really irks me. To the core. Regular flood in Bihar, Drought in Orissa and Maharashtra, are we that inept, to sit back and watch. And still, it fails to stir the ‘mighty souls’. Why can’t we talk to Nepal, and get a permanent solution for KOSI sorrow, which not only takes away it hundreds of billion rupees in cash and kind, displaces millions, invoke migration(humiliation is a free-package along with it)of lakhs, kills thousands, and takes away with it not only the fertility of the soil, but also many dreams, myriad ambitions, and gives many wounds. Ditto about the drought, when we know it has to come, why can’t the ISRO, Agriculture Deptt., and other scientific bodies of India work on it to find some solution. A permanent one.
Just similar to the way, I was talking about economic zones, supra and regional, in a very similar vein, we need to have education infrastructure, institutions of repute, at different places. Not concentrated in one corner. Actions have been done, but they are too few, too little, and too late. Emphasis needs to be put on setting up research centres, not mere, commercialized shops of education. Lots of funds need to be diverted to research, if we want India to lead the way.
One Unique Identification of every citizen is the need of the hour, which acts as multi-purpose vehicle for accessibility to different requirements. We shall be able to track, how much and how soon is the benefit reaching across to our countrymen. And it will, also help us in fixing accountability for corruption, and benefits not reaching across to the targeted citizenry. Moreover, It will also help in keeping crime under control.
Water and Land is a precious commodity, Government has to guide its action to this branch as well, before it gets too late. Land is not being properly utilized. And we keep on cutting new grasslands for land requirements. It would be a herculean task, but an important one, that we start concentrating spread out villages to one point, so that the rest land could be used for farming, and facilities could be easily made available to the farmer and the rest. Same could be done about small towns, which wouldn’t be easy. But political acumen is the need. Staving off bureaucratic lethargy, a necessity! Water preservation has to be done on a large scale. In the same vein, I would carry forward issue of Environmental degradation, which has to be prevented any further, on any cost. Not much action is there on the forefront.
But frankly speaking, we as Indian, as common citizen, just are well versed with passing the blame. Do we really care enough, for Bharat? I see no civic sense prevailing in people, everyone expects Govt to do everything. Its high time, we realize Government is not an omnipresent Genie, its US. We change, Government Changes. If we really want this century to be of India, lets make individual resolve first, of doing small things for our motherland to begin with; lest it gets too late!!
Till the moment, we come across a revolution, which shakes up everything, and make a new start, lets go and vote! And choose, the candidate, who makes a difference……Or, if you feel really, this strong for the country so as not to vote in protest, go ahead fight elections in protest…..with your agenda!!! A muscleman, or politician can force people to vote for them, but remember we have secret ballot system. All you need to do is convince people, of your agenda, of a change, long due!!!
Start fantasizing about the indelible ink on your nails…… Jai Hind!
भारतवासीयो, भारत को चुनो, अपना मत दो...एक नए भारत के लिए! जय हिंद!
I humbly urge of you, to participate and give your views, how can we make the country better. There are lot of Ideas floating around in feedback! So, come lets get our head together! Its high time!


Saturday, February 7
A passage from UPSC Question Paper

Saturday, January 31
We need to showcase this film to as many people as possible, especially to the people of Bihar. All these activities need funds. We request you to buy the CD/VCD of Bring Back Bihar from us. The money thus generated will be used to publicize this movie and showcasing this movie to as many location as possible in Bihar and India.
If you want to associate with this movement please
To buy the CD/VCD please send mail to
The price of the DVD is 399/- plus Rs 50/- for courier. Total 449/-.
Money can be transfered to Nitin's account directly. Here are the details.
We have decided to display the list which will have the name of buyers (I would like to call them as donors/supporters). Expense report will also be shared with the world.


